Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Vacation Ended! Big shifts Coming!

      Well folks, sadly ZodicalCandy and I have completed our vacation. We have renewed our vows to each other, had a grand time in France and returned ready to go to the next level with our Podcasts and Shows. What does this mean? This means our HQ recording equipment and HQ sound equipment will be arriving any day now and we'll be doing our big shift into HQ sound and video. This also means we'll be crunching down our style and reeling it into something bigger.

For the TERA Podcast this means, a more focused show, bringing you the news, smaller tips and more of discussions on endgame and upcoming patches.

For the Geeks Out Podcast this means weekly episode that will be in HQ sound.

For the YouTube Channel this means, 2-3 Let's Plays at a time, PLUS a weekly video that just wont work as a Let's Play.

All of this in HD and HQ!

You might also be wondering about the contest. Well guess what, todays the last day, we'll tally up all the names and annouce our winner. Then let the next contest begin. Yes thats right, as of right now we plan on continuing this contest, and holding it as a monthly contest!


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